Kayaking and Rafting
Thrills of paddling extreme rivers and gentle paddles on flat water. Come kayaking with us!
Kayaking in the pool and canoe polo provides a sport for the more competitive club members (though not necessarily more experienced!)
Basic paddling skills and rolling practice is held Tuesday nights from 8:00 pm to 10:00 in the Sports Center Pool at our pool sessions (see below). So if you are a new club member who wants to learn which side of a boat is up or are an old hand who wants some practice take a look at our calendar to book into sessions!. You must be able to swim to come kayaking or rafting.
Kayaking on Tuesdays @ Latrobe
Students and new members welcome!
Kayaking @Latrobe for 2025 will be back on Tuesdays starting soon!!! (First session is on 4th of March, check out our event calender for more dates) Register through our calendar if you would like to come along
How the sessions will work for 2021 under covid
- You will need to pre-register by clicking Attend event link in our calendar. If you are having trouble, please email clubofficer@lumc.org.au or message us on facebook
- When you arrive at the Sports Centre, come in via the front door and scan in via the QR code located next to the pool hall door and on the reception board (bring your phone!)
- Walk around to the pool through the sliding glass doors to the left of front desk and up the ramp
- If you are new to kayaking, make sure you introduce yourself to one of the more experienced members and we will get you started!
- Please make sure you arrive on time for an 8pm start so we can set up, get gear out and get kayaking!
Costs for kayaking in pool for semester 1
Entry |
Cost per session / Bulk entry for all semester 1 |
LUMC members - students* |
$10 / $20 |
LUMC member - alumni / staff/ not affiliated |
$10 / $60 |
Non members |
$15 / not available |
* Students are free for March! - you will still need to click attend above
La Trobe Students, Staff and Alumni are very welcome to join the club to access the discounted rates and included gear hire. At this stage we do not have any memberships available people not affiliated with LaTrobe to join the club.
Additional notes for non-members wanting to attend kayaking @ Latrobe
- Places for non-members to attend the sessions are limited to a maximum of 6 people and won't be available every week (if the option is not available in the "tickets", there is no space available for the session). Please do not show up without registering in advance.
- Instruction and Gear hire for non-members is not available, please bring all your own gear. All gear must be washed and float bags removed to ensure there is no river debris caught in your boat.
- Our sessions are run by volunteers, please help out with things that need doing like setup/packup of lanerope
What do I need?
- Yourself (You MUST be able to swim!)
- Bathers and towel
What skills will I learn?
- How to do a wet exit (fall out)
- Practise paddling in a straight line
- How to do a "Buddy roll"
- Various kayak rolls (most people take a lot of practise to learn some of these)
What next?
- Once you have been to a few pool sessions, you may want to think about going for a trip on the river. Keep your eyes out for upcoming trips - or help organise one! - We often have leaders willing to go out paddling so long as someone else organises it, so ask around and see if someone will run the technical part of a trip if you do some of the organising!
Where else do we go?
Beginner trips include
- Yarra River (close to uni)
- Goulburn River
Other locations
- Mitchell River
- Avon River
- Mitta Mitta
- Snowy River
- Surf beaches
- Penrith Watersports Olympic Kayaking course
What do I need?
River trips
- You must have attended one of our pool sessions and demonstrated a competent wet exit (even if you have been kayaking before) and you must be able to easily swim a full lap of the pool (25m)
- Kayak, helmet, PFD, Paddle, Deck (you can hire these from the club)
- Bathers and towel
- Thermals / wet suit
- Shoes to wear in river. e.g. Old runners or sandals that wont come off such as Tevas/Chacos. No CROCS or THONGS!!
- Spare change of clothes to leave in car (in case you fall in)
Indoor Kayaking sessions will be running all year (unless notified via email otherwise) starting 1st Tuesday of February until mid December - check our calendar!