Navigation training- Part 2


Fri 08 Apr 2022 18:30 — 19:30

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Session 2 - Topographic maps via zoom

We are running some training to help upskill members in map reading and navigation. This session will be an introduction topographic maps.  You should either have attended session 1 or are comfortable navigating a basic map (eg street directory) 

Some of the things we will cover are

- Scale (more advanced stuff than part 1)

- Datum (and why this is important particuarly if using GPS or guide books)

- Topographic words (things like a saddle, gully, spur, ridge etc). 

- Contours (what they are and how to use them), where is top of hill, which way is river flowing etc)

- Legend (more advanced stuff than part 1)

- features on map and implied features

You will need access to a laptop/ large screen  (doing it on your phone probably won't be great)

** There is more opportunity in this content to make it a bit more practical (as much as can via zoom) consequently we will be limiting numbers to a max 10 people ** (if it fills up we may be able to run another session)

After attending this session we will be strongly encouraging members to go practice their skills!  Street O  is a great way to practice.- and we would love some club teams going along to events - let us know if you would like to help coordinate!


Stay tuned for dates for Part 3 - this one will be in person and focus a bit more on navigation, particularly using landscape features but also map and compass.  This will be a great starting point for attending upcoming Rogaines.